Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sharks Grip Counter i Top System?

The Under $400 Kitchen Makeover…In a Box Rustoleum Transformations in the Test Lab | Apartment Therapy

Well you know We knew about the buy out last year and we've always had a Rustoleum line.

So I've got the new brochures, and new access to the new colors. I'm just curious if they bought Multispec to use in these Kits?

Here is what I can say about this after visiting with Rustoleum Reps when they make their rounds.
Bathtub Tile CounterTop Refinishers
" Coming to a Home Depot nearest you"

But its a non issue for the refinishers who know thier clients are paying for the "Art" of refinishing. Faster, More durable, Artistic, More flexible, more " individual looks, Cost effective, and in demand, is the " Art " of counter top refinishing. Its not that I don't appreciate Multispec, its just the fact when you combine the above with with your individual skills and artistic.qualities your looks are infinite and individual looks and abilities from a company stand point make our process a better choice in every aspect. Multispec Sprayed is sort of a massed produced Improved glorified
" DIY" system. Anyone can do it and that leaves your business open to " price shopping" .

Here's what I mean. Take three refinishing companies and all things Being equal, we expect them to be insured, licenced, experienced, seasoned vets in the trade and all are BBB rated A+, but we picked these three out of the Angies List data base.

Now all three bid on the same Residential Job. All walk in with the same qualifications, the same fleck charts and they pitch the same redundant process. After all its just a base coat color, with fleck and clear coated. You all know how to lay it down. There maybe some subtle differences but its not enough to influence award decisions in the bidding process. Not enough for me anyway. Now lets play the wild card. A forth equally credentialed company comes in and had no color charts just samples of his personal color samples that are achieved by only by his own thoughts and use of colors that can't be shopped. Even if you have the exact colors as many of you found out this takes time to master your equipment, learn the nuances and characteristics of your resin. Air adjustments, flow control, use of colors, Equipment performance and knowledge of its capabilities, basically the looks are the extension of the mans experience in the trade.
Now which person or companywould interest you the most? How does that customer shop that? You chose to appreciate and enjoyed blending function and art that are inherit and are extensions of you individually.

Again I don't discount the look of multiplec, but I simply appreciate this art, and the time it took to learn it and be able to replicate it.

This cost less, there is no waiting and its 100% compatible through out the entire process. I hate it when fleck does that crackle, elephant skin, or the mud dry pond look. I like the fact there is no waiting. No worries of clear coat hazing, bubbling, or tiger stripping dry spots, No SPECK Blockages! No worries as to the age of fleck you get either.

We carry multi spec and I know how its handled when broke down.

Karl is not worried

Watch " Countertop Refinishing" on YouTube
Watch " Countertop Refinishing" on YouTube

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