Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Coffee Coatings Motorcyles Memory?

Most of you know I cracked my coconut in a motor cycle crash last summer. The result from that crash impacted my memory a bit.

Flying off Motor cycles at highway speeds landing head first causes many issues. But I'm lucky. Anyway what's this got to do with bathtub refinishing?

Well its a more of a humanity in the bathtub refinishing story and its honest and Its helped me in many ways. Being a better person for one. Well ok, trying to anyway. About 5 years ago my long time friend Gary Mott of turned us all on to a health drink that countless Refinishers Including me drink everyday and there's no voodoo science in that just pure energy, and health.

We as Refinishers have to be Ninjas everyday. You know what i mean, take a week off and jump back in the game use to make me feel like an athlete who missed 7 hard practices. You have to take care of yourself. I just ordered more of that one and this next one.

Our Dear Ana, who always seems to be the one that cheers us up, and sort of takes care of all of us even if all us guys at work aggrevate her. I know regretfully I have, but no matter what we say or do she in the end,  is the one that remembers birthdays, holidays, she's just a great person to be associated with.

But in the last few days she was hinting in a concerned way about focus and memory because she cares about EAH and our customers, possibly me,  in the most sincere genuine, almost mother like fashion. Anyway, personally i think she poured out regular coffee in the shop so she could get me to try a coffee like drink thats does many of the things E7 does but in a very unique coffee chocolate,  latte, cappuccino sort of flavor.

I felt like one of those commercials on TV when a person takes a drink off coffee and delivers a punch line to get you to buy it. I literally looked at my cup and did the yummmmm that's good commercial thing only I was alone in the warehouse.

Out shop has been hit by that flu going around and being short handed I found myself jumping in to get the orders packed and out as we've been slammed.

Well I enjoyed my coffee like drink and 15 minutes later I was a packing machine! Later I thought about that because as you look at the attached photo you will see a white medicine bottle next to our favorite coffee my wife and I gotta have. Only that white bottle cost About $750.00 for 30 tablets! That is Nuvigil mainly used for focus, awareness, and often given to " Fighter Pilots" for long missions. After my wreck i was given that prescription and it works. But it sure has a lot of warning labels on it. But I guess head injuries and long missions require and justify the risk.

But on my way home 8 hours later i was still bouncing off the walls from that magic coffee like health drink. Its all natural and and the caffein level is probably like one sip of cheap instant coffee so I literally on my long drive home had to call Ana and ask what the heck that great tasting Energy health drink is made of? Turns out its some kind of mushroom etc extract that's got all these health benefits hence my reference to E7 the drink that everyone knows works.

Years ago we posted in the PBRA because Gary Mott is a health Manster, and it made me think of him and that drink and how much all of us appreciate it even today.

All I can say is I felt like I had taken one of those $750 for 30 tablets for my injury only it was the best darn coffee like experience I've ever had with so many proven health benefits.

I don't sell it and i don't want to, but i know how it is in this business and  if you can get the healthy ninja drink and feel like you upgraded from your favorite coffee as i felt, well i thought i would share it with you. Next time you call or just call ask Ana about it. She has all the info and Rose my wife tried it and she's looking at bringing it in for her family restaurant a San Antonio land mark known for its quality and real authentic Mexican food for almost 40 years!

I'm drinking some now :-) or 210.849.0400

The holy grale of coffee like health drinks. I'm sold!

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